Hasan Basri(1), Titi Sriwahyuni(2),
(1)   Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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The Joint Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN) is one of the stages that must be passed by prospective students who want to enter State Universities. The tight competition, relatively little learning media is a barrier for prospective participants to face the SBMPTN. The thing to be achieved in making this final project is to build a learning media that can help prospective participants in preparing themselves for the SBMPTN. The design of this final project produces an Try Out Test SBMPTN application based on an android client server. From the client side, the development of this application uses the Java programming language, Eclipse as an IDE, ADT as a plugin, Android SDK for application development, and AVD that functions as an emulator in the system running process. While from the server side using MySQL as a Database Management System (DBMS), with programming languages HTML, PHP, CSS, and Notepad ++ as editors. The resulting SBMPTN Try Out Test application can be installed on all types of Android-based phones with minimal andorid version 4.0.0. Through this application users can train themselves first to answer the questions that have been provided before taking the real SBMPTN test.

Keywords: SBMPTN, Mobile Learning, Android, Eclipse, Java, Client-Server


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