Wujud Kasih Sayang Ibu Dalam Seni Patung Abstrak


DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/sr.v6i2.9148
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The purpose of this final paper is to visualize the expression of mother's
affection in the form of abstract figurative sculpture by printing technique
(cashting) by using five stages: preparation, elaboration, synthesis, concept
realization, and completion.
After performing a series of long creation process then created 7 pieces of
sculpture, including: '' Beginnings '', '' Long Waiting '', '' Sacrifice Mother '',
'' Love '', '' Mother Love Expression '' , '' Educating '', and '' Sincerity ''. It is hoped
that the final work will be useful for art students, as an appreciation and
comparative work to create better sculpture in the future.
Keywords: Mother, Sculpture, Printing Technique (cashting)
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