This is to provide idea on taching English today. Language is unique with reference to text and context. Both text and context cannot be separated between one and another to comprehend and produce meaning. No one language is better than other (s). Each of languages is better, best and unique with reference to the application of text and context as human production. Taching English is now familiarly as language production internationally.Language production is process of conveying the meaning or experience in spoken and written language. The process of language production in this study is concerned to the speech production. A child and the closest family members need time, patient, and optimism. Thus, we need the theory of language production, that is phonetics and phonology. Phonetics is the study of speech sounds.Phonology is the study of the sound system of language. In teaching Enlish today, English is already devided into three circles, (1) Inner cirlce-mother tongue, (2) outer circle-second user, and (3) expanding circle-foreign user. The three of them must be standardized for teaching by International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and Received Pronunciation (RP).
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