Podcasting is a multimedia that provides a lot of authentic listening materials and it can be downloaded on the internet freely. Podcasting nowadays become an altemative way of leaming listening which can give positive effects torvards students' listening comprehension. Using podcast as a medium for learning opens a new opportunityy in the language leaming context This research was carried out at English the Study program of the Islamic University of Riau Pekanbaru.The objective of this research is to find out the impact of using podcast in English listening process on the students' listening comprehension ability. The sample of this research consisted of 31 students drawn by purposive random sampling from the students of the second semester. The instrument of this research was listening test by using TOEFL IBT. In this research the test consist of six topics with 30 items questions. The effectiveness of podcast can be seen in improving students' listening comprehension by comparing average scores of pre-test and post-test. After analyzing the test, the writers found that the mean score of post-test is greater than pre-test (36.38 for post-test and 27.80 for pretest) significantly at 1% level. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It means, podcast can give the positive effect on the students' listening comprehension.
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