Fakhri Ras, Hadriana Hadriana


The objective of this study is to determine strategies used b,v students of English Study Program of FKIP UIR quantitatively and qualitatively in order to solve the problems in the course of Speaking. The population is the students rwho are taking Speaking 3 in which the sample is all population of this study due to the homogeneous oftheir characteristics (the aspects of academic achievement). For quantitative data, Strategy Inventory for Language Leaming (SILL) (Oxford, 1989) is used while as for the qualitative data, interviews were commenced. The findings show that the highest use of the strategy is social strafegy (3:26) and the lowest one (3:04) is memory strategy, 4 other strategies (cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and compensation) are in the medium category. The qualitative findings cover four elements: (1) Grammar (memorizing the tenses and using them in daily life, finding the solution in grammar books, finding examples of compound sentences and meaning, studying the complex sentence, and looking for the explanation on the use of preposition), (2) Vocabulary (consulting the dictionary, memorizing the vocabulary items, finding the explanation on intemet, and translating the text), (3) Fluency (practicing general and basic grammar, applying the phrases in daily conversation, and learning more about the difference between clauses),and (4) Pronunciation (often downloading video of spoken English, finding the correct pronunciation of the word in the dictionary, practicing the reading aloud, identifying the intonation pattern. and practicing a lot). The implication of the study is that language leaming strategies used quantitatively and qualitatively should be instructed to the students of Englisli Study Program of FKIP UR especially for those who are taking Speaking 3.


Language Learning Strategies and Speaking

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