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This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the application of ice breaking-based learning methods in increasing student learning motivation at SDN Panjunan Sidoarjo. Using a mixed method approach with the dominance of qualitative methods reinforced by quantitative data, the research was conducted on grade IV and V students during one academic semester. Data collection used structured observations, semi-structured interviews, and ARCS motivation questionnaires, with data analysis using thematic analysis techniques and descriptive-inferential statistics. The results showed a significant increase in students' learning motivation, with an increase in active engagement from two-fifths to three-quarters of students and the duration of learning focus from an average of 20 minutes to 35 minutes. The application of ice breaking contributes to the transformation of learning patterns to become more student-centered, with the increase in two-way interaction almost doubled. Implementation constraints include the limited preparation time faced by three-quarters of teachers, as well as variations in teacher abilities where one-third of teachers require additional training, but can be overcome through the development of a comprehensive support system. This research produces an ice breaking application framework that can be adapted for the development of more effective learning methods.


Keywords: Ice breaking, learning motivation, learning methods