The purpose of this study was to describe the use of sentences in the news text of class
VIII B SMP Pembangunan Laboratorium UNP academic year 2018. This type of research is
qualitative research with descriptive methods. The research entry is the news text writing
of class VIII B students, amounting to 28 texts from 28 people. Data collection is done
through documentation studies. Data were analyzed by referring to the Miles and Huberman
models with steps, namely (1) doing data reduction, (2), displaying data, and (3) making
conclusions and verification (conclusion drawing / verification). Based on the results of the
study, the use of sentences used in the text includes single sentences and compound sentences.
The use of single sentences was found 105 (57%) of 183 sentences as research data. Whereas,
compound sentences were found 78 (42%) of 183 sentences as research data. The use of sentences
based on single sentences is found 81 (76%) verbal predicate sentences of 105 single sentences,
8 (8%) numeral predicate sentences of 105 single sentences, 7 (7%) nominal sentences of 105
single sentences, 6 (6%) sentences the sentence has an adjunctival predicate of 105 single sentences,
and 3 (3%) prepositional prediction of 105 single sentences. Then, the use of sentences based on
compound sentences found 41 (53%) compound sentences equivalent from 78 compound sentences
and 37 (47%) multilevel compound sentences from 78 compound sentences.
Kata kunci: Teks Berita, Penggunaan Kalimat