Analysis Of JHA, JSA and Management K3 At KIP 16 Bangka Ocean Mining Units PT Timah (Persero) Tbk Province Bangka Belitung Islands

Riri Rahmahwati Joni(1), Rusli HAR(2), Heri Prabowo(3),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(3) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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This research discuss about safety and health occupational control in
Bangka Ocean KIP Timah 16 Units using some risk management methodes. The
methodes are Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), Job Safety Analysis (JSA), and Hazard
Identification Risk Assesment Determining Control (HIRADC). Purpose of the
research is to explain safety and health occupational in KIP Timah 16 Unit it is
for get the improvement of productivity work, production, welfare and
comfortability workers and achievment of zero accident.
The type pf the research is descriptive. There are two data had collected.
They are primary and secondery data. Primary data get from interview with the
employees and secondary data get from K3 documents in thecenter company of
PT. Timah UPLB and KIP 16.
Based on result of research can get some conclutions. First, explain safety
and health occupational system. Second, the implementation formula of FR, SR
and IR to count total accident that lost from day work, percentage of accident for
a month. Third, to use methode JHA, JSA and HIRADC for identification and
control occupational accident. And last, to arrange new SOP from analysis result
JHA, JSA, HIRADC and earlier SOP.

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