Analisis Kajian Teknis dan Ekonomis Biaya Operasional Terhadap Hasil Produksi KIP Timah 14 PT.Timah (Persero),Tbk di Laut Tempilang, Bangka Belitung

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(3) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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PT. Timah (Persero) Tbk. Bangka Marine Unit is a unit of production of PT.
Timah (Persero) Tbk. which conduct mining using Dredger and Cutter Suction,
one of them using the KIP TIMAH 14 operating in Tempilang Sea.
This research is based on the ISO 50001 and Energy Performance
Management, namely by looking at the rate of fuel (HSD) consumption toward
KIP Timah 14’s production, to attempt efficiency, and to make daily consumption
functions of HSD. Attempt efficiency is to examine two issues, the use of right
underwater machine (Mineral Dressing Installation Activator) and excavation
method (excavation volume reduction). From observations in the field, during the
operation of KIP Timah 14 found frequent damages in mineral dressing
installation and excavations are not effective. From the problems above so that
attempted Efficiency by reducing the volume of excavation is not required and
does not operate the right underwater mechine when digging overburden.
After the efforts of efficiency obtained, HSD consumption savings about
Rp.536,721,972.70 in November 2014, Rp.792,734,317.80 in December 2014, and
Rp.644,841,956.40 in January 2015. The efforts of effeciency feasible to do in
order to suppress the mining operating costs.
Timah (Persero) Tbk. which conduct mining using Dredger and Cutter Suction,
one of them using the KIP TIMAH 14 operating in Tempilang Sea.
This research is based on the ISO 50001 and Energy Performance
Management, namely by looking at the rate of fuel (HSD) consumption toward
KIP Timah 14’s production, to attempt efficiency, and to make daily consumption
functions of HSD. Attempt efficiency is to examine two issues, the use of right
underwater machine (Mineral Dressing Installation Activator) and excavation
method (excavation volume reduction). From observations in the field, during the
operation of KIP Timah 14 found frequent damages in mineral dressing
installation and excavations are not effective. From the problems above so that
attempted Efficiency by reducing the volume of excavation is not required and
does not operate the right underwater mechine when digging overburden.
After the efforts of efficiency obtained, HSD consumption savings about
Rp.536,721,972.70 in November 2014, Rp.792,734,317.80 in December 2014, and
Rp.644,841,956.40 in January 2015. The efforts of effeciency feasible to do in
order to suppress the mining operating costs.
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