(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(3) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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Daerah penelitian adalah Blok timur Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan PT.Sarolangun Prima Coal dengan luas 1024 Ha. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengestimasi sumberdaya batubara di daerah penelitian adalah metode Cross Section dengan pedoman perubahan bertahap (Rule of Gradual Change) dan dengan pedoman titik terdekat (Rule of Nearest Point). Prinsip dari metode Cross Section Rule of Gradual Change, yaitu dengan menghubungkan titik pengamatan terluar, endapan batubara dianggap sama sepanjang garis lurus tehadap penghubung 2 (dua) titik. Sedangkan pada metode Cross Section Rule of Nearest Point, yaitu berpedoman pada titik terdekat, dengan membuat batas terluar endapan secara linear, panjang garis linear sama dengan batas blok, setengah jarak antara dua titik.
Berdasarkan penaksiran sumberdaya batubara dengan menggunakan metode Cross Section dengan pedoman perubahan bertahap (rule of gradual change) dengan jarak antar sayatan 100 meter dan diperoleh sumberdaya batubara terukur (Measured Coal Resource) seam A dan seam B adalah sebesar 28.304.358,40 Ton. Volume overburden dan interburden yang didapatkan adalah sebesar 182.835.816 Bcm dengan Stripping Ratio(SR) 6 : 1. Metode Cross Section dengan pedoman titik terdekat (rule of nearest point) dengan jarak antar sayatan sebesar L1 50 meter dan L2 50 meter diperoleh sumberdaya batubara terukur (MeasuredCoal Resource) seam A dan seam B adalah sebesar 29.232.773,1 Ton, serta volume overburdendan interburden yang didapatkan adalah sebesar 189.104.302,6 Bcm. dengan Stripping Ratio(SR) 6 : 1.
The research area is at the Region east block of Licensed Mining Company of PT. Sarolangun Prima Coal with area of 1024 Ha. The method being used to estimate the coal resource at the research area is Cross Section method with Rule of Gradual Change and with Rule of Nearest Point. The principle of Cross Section Rule of Gradual Change method is by relating the outermost observation points, the coal deposits considered to be the same throughout straight line connecting the two points. Whereas, at the Cross Section Rule of Nearest Point method, which is based on the nearest line, it is by making the outer boundary deposit linearly, where the length of the linear line is the same as the block boundary, it is a half distance between two points.
Based on the coal estimation using Cross Section Rule of Gradual Change method with the distance between slices is 100 metres, the Measured Coal Resource of seam A and seam B is as big as 28.304.358,40 Tons. The acquisited overburden and the interburden volumes are as big as 182.835.816 Bcm with 6:1 Stripping Ratio (SR). Cross Section Rule of Nearest Point method where the distance between slices of L1 is 50 meters and L2 is 50 meters, a Measured Coal Resource of seam A and seam B can be acquisited as big as 29.232.773,1 Tons. The obtained overburden and interburden volumes are as big as 189.104.302,6 Bcm with 6:1 Stripping Ratio (SR)
Kata kunci: Sumberdaya Batubara, Metode Cross section, Stripping Ratio
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