Optimalisasi Produksi Batubara Pada Proses Coal Getting di Pit 3 PT. Jambi Prima Coal, Kecamatan Mandiangin, Kabupaten Sarolangun, Provinsi Jambi

Rico Fernandes(1), Dedi Yulhendra(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/bt.v6i3.112518

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PT. Jambi Prima Coal is a company engaged in coal mining, which is located in Pemusiran, Mandiangin, Sarolangun, Jambi. The coal production target in PIT 3 PT. Jambi Prima Coal is 20,000 tons /month In July 2019. In fact, coal production in July can only reach 89.25% of the total production target of 20,000 tonnes / month, coal production that can be produced is only 17,850 tonnes / month. Therefore it is necessary to conduct research using the Quality Control Cycle (QCC) to improve and optimize coal production. In this study, the required data are in the form of excavator and conveyance cycle time, field resistance, the number of mechanical devices used and the productivity of the dig and load equipment. The results of calculations using the Quality Control Cycle (QCC) method were carried out by increasing work efficiency, reducing loss time and improving working time so that the coal production obtained was 25,431.94 tons / month, which increased production by 37.9%. This production result shows that the improvements made have resulted in an increase in production yields from previous results.

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