Pemetaan Kualitas Airtanah Berdasarkan Parameter Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) dan Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL) dengan Metode Ordinary Kriging Di Kec. Padang Barat, Kota Padang, Provinsi Sumatera Barat

M Asy Ruseffandi(1), Mulya Gusman(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Abstarct. The overuse of groundwater with the management of water sources
that ignores the environment can decrease the quantity and quality of
groundwater. In the area of West Padang, groundwater quality degradation is
caused by the dynamics of development West Padang towards the profile of
Metropolitan City. The purpose of this research is to make the water quality zone
map based on DHL and TDS parameter, zone map based on decrease of
groundwater level and predict the occurrence of seawater intrusion in the West
Padang. The research method used is to identify the quality groundwater and a
decrease of groundwater level from water analysis using Kepmen ESDM Nomor
1451.K/10/MEM/2000 and make the distribution of water quality and a decrease
of groundwater level using the software SGeMs and ArcMap GIS 10.5, and
predict patterns spread of seawater intrusion from water quality analysis using
the regression equation. From the identification result and analysis of water
quality, West Padang is categorized as a safe zone. Safe zone is the area that
meets one of decrease criteria on groundwater quality which are characterized
by the increase of TDS that is less than 1,000 mg/l or less than 1,000 DHL

Keywords:.TDS, DHL, Safe Zone, Groundwater Quality

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