Table of Contents

Lingua Lingua Didaktika(1),

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Copyright (c) 2017 Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa


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Published twice a year, December and June, by the English Department FBS Universitas Negeri Padang. This journal contains articles on language, linguistics, literature, and learning. Articles can be in English or Indonesian, while abstracts of 100 - 200 words must be written in English and Indonesia. Articles can be analysis, study, theory application, research report, material development, or book review. First published in December 2007. Beginning in December 2016 Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa has become a peer-reviewed online journal.

Table of Contents



105-115    Error analysis on Indonesian to Chinese translation of Indonesian students

Rika Limuria


116-126    The use of information gap activities in teaching speaking (Classroom action research at SMK)

Andri Devrioka


127-136    The systemic functional linguistics: the appropriate and inappropriate use of cohesive devices in students’ academic text

M. Affandi Ariyanto, Refnaldi, Rusdi Noor Rosa


137-148     Translation techniques in Taj: Tragedi di balik tanda cinta abadi novel

Nur Rosita


149-160     From recount to narrative: Developing writing skills and gaining confidence

Yenni Rozimela


161-171     An analysis of speaking fluency level of the English Department students of Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP)

Salam Mairi


172-181     Words and sentences production of elementary school students at grade iii, iv, and v: A case study at SDN 09 Air Tawar Barat Padang

Zul Amri


182-193     Bilingualism and bilingual experiences:  A case of two Southeast Asian female students at Deakin University

Leni Marlina


194-205     The rise of national plus school in Indonesia – education for parents and government

Indra Rinaldi & Yam Saroh


206-214     Mental processes in the stories of humansofny’s instagram account: bonding humans through languageYanisha Dwi Astari

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