
One strategy to optimize TOEIC learning and preparation is to facilitate students to learn anytime and anywhere with materials and exercises through technology integration, specifically a smartphone application. Therefore, this research aims to design a product called the Poliban English Preparation Test Application (PEPTA), which contains listening and reading materials and exercises in TOEIC format. By increasing students' TOEIC scores, this research is expected to contribute to enhancing students' English proficiency through better preparation, increasing the number of overseas scholarship awardees (IISMAVO), and improving foreign language exit test scores in Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin (Poliban). The research questions to be addressed are: (1) What are the needs of potential users of the application? (2) How can TOEIC materials and exercises be developed in this application-based format? This research employed the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model limited to product try-out in implementation stage. There are 383 students from Poliban, Muhammadiyah University of Banjarmasin, and the World University of Bangladesh at the needs analysis stage and 34 students at the try-out of PEPTA.  The instruments to be used in this stage include needs analysis questionnaires, an interview guide, validation sheets during product validation, and a questionnaire on the product try out. Data was collected and analyzed. The results showed that the developed product/ PEPTA is valid and practical with the score of 3.63, indicating high practicality. However, there is still room for improvement to maximum students’ scores.


English; test preparation; mobile-learning; application