Deteksi Perubahan Sebaran Klorofil-A Di Perairan Utara Aceh Menggunakan Citra Aqua Modis

Mursyidin Mursyidin(1),
(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh  Indonesia

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This study examines supporting data for fishing around the northern periphery of Aceh which is 05 ° 00'00 "-06 ° 00'00" LU and 95 ° 00'00 "-96 ° 00'00" BT. the data used is Aqua MODIS satellite imagery data with a level-3 Standard Mapped Image (SMI) Monthly with a spatial resolution of 4 km. the process is done image cutting, data extraction, interpolaso, and overlays. during the east season 2018 to the west season 2019 the distribution of chlorophyll-a in the northern waters of Aceh tends to increase


Chlorophyll-a, Aceh Utara waters, Citra, Aqua Modis


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