Development of Integrated Physics E-Module Earthquake Material Based on Inquiry-Based Learning to Improve Student Competence

(1) SMA Negeri Sikakap, Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai, West Sumatera 

(2) Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera 

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The Mentawai Islands were one of the areas on the island of Sumatra which are prone to earthquakes. An earthquake's main result was the destruction of buildings due to ground shaking. Presenting disaster knowledge in schools was one of the efforts to integrate disaster knowledge through the educational curriculum. Implementing disaster knowledge requires facilities that can present the disaster in real terms, namely in the form of non-printed teaching materials, one of which was e-modules. The type of research was Research and Development (R&D). Product development refers to the Plomp stage, namely the Preliminary Research, Development or Prototyping Phase and Assessment Phase. The data in this study were needs analysis data, validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The research instrument consisted of a questionnaire, analysis sheet, validation sheet, practicality sheet, self-assessment sheet, and objective questions. The data analysis technique was validity analyzed by Aiken's V formula, practicality was analyzed using a Likert scale, and effectiveness was analyzed using descriptive analysis. The result of the research was that the High School Physics e-module was integrated with inquiry learning-based earthquake materials to improve students' competence with valid, practical, and effective criteria.
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