Development of Science E-Module by Integrating Quantum Learning to Improve Students' Concept Understanding and Creative Thinking
(1) SMP Negeri 7 Padang, West Sumatera  Indonesia
(2) Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera  Indonesia
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Twenty-first-century education requires students to have creative thinking skills. The field found that the average student learning outcomes in science subjects and the value of students' creative thinking skills were still in the sufficient category. This research aims to develop an integrated Science e-module with a quantum learning model on additive, addictive, and blood circulation material. Analysis using research and development methods with 4D models. Science e-modules are assessed using validity sheets and practicality sheets. The validity sheet is given to three lecturers who are experts in their field. Practicality sheets were given to two teachers and students—data collection techniques using questionnaire techniques. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The results showed that the average validity value was 90.4, which was very good.
Meanwhile, according to the teacher, the average value of practicality is 92.08 and is in the very good category. According to students, the average practicality is 80.69, which is in the good category. Thus, the integrated science e-module integrated with the quantum learning model is valid and practical.Article Metrics
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