The Practicality and Effectiveness of the PjBL Model-Based Electronic Student Worksheets Assisted Science Lab Kits to Improve Science Process Skills in Students

(1) SMA Bukit Barisan, West Sumatera 

(2) Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera 

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This study aimed to determine the practicality and effectiveness of learning based on the student worksheet model based on a kit-assisted science laboratory project to improve science process skills in class. The type of research used in research and development using the Plomp model consists of a preliminary research stage, a development or prototype stage, and an assessment stage. The practical results consist of a teacher response questionnaire and a student response questionnaire with a value of 99.2% and 85.0% with a very practical category. The effectiveness of the knowledge competence of students with posttest results of 77.5%. The effectiveness of the student's science skill competence has increased compared to the previous meeting, with an average of 84.7% in the very good category. The electronic student worksheet based on the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model assisted by the Science Lab Kits is practical and effective for improving science process skills in class
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