Meta-Analisis Landasan Ilmu Pendidikan pada Pengembangan E-book dan Edupark Pembelajaran Fisika

Ayu Permata Sari(1), Hamdi Hamdi(2),
(1) Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Fisika Pascasarjana UNP 
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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Good education must have educational foundations because it is a fulcrum and benchmarks in education. This study aims to analyze the foundation of educational science towards the development of e-books and eduparchs of learning physics. This research method is a meta-analysis with a sample of 20 articles. The meta-analysis research shows the completeness of the foundation of educational science in the development of e-books and edupark of physical learning by 61.43% with complete categories.

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