Kesiapan Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk) Negeri 3 Sungai Penuh Dalam Melaksanakan Praktek Kerja Industri Didunia Industri
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This research is descriptive quantitative research, the main
objective of this study was to reveal about the readiness of students
of SMK Negeri 3 Full River in implementing the Industrial Practice
industrialized world. The population in this study amounted to 36
people. Samples for the study were taken from the entire population
(sampling saturated), all second grade students who are dressmaking
industry practices in the world industry. The data of this study
consisted of primary data collected directly from respondents with
instruments such as questionnaires (measuring readiness Affective
and Psychomotor) in the form of questions and tests (cognitive
readiness). From the research shows that the readiness of knowledge
(cognitive) are at high category (79.9%), readiness attitudes
(affective) that are in the category of very high (88.8%), and
readiness skills (psychomotor) are at high category (79 , 3%). Based
on the descriptive analysis and the results of data classification,
grade II readiness fashion SMK 3 full river in implementing the
industrial world pratek industries classified as very high (85.5%)
Kata kunci: Kesiapan Pengetahuan (Kognitif), Sikap (Afektif) dan
Keterampilan (Psikmotor)
objective of this study was to reveal about the readiness of students
of SMK Negeri 3 Full River in implementing the Industrial Practice
industrialized world. The population in this study amounted to 36
people. Samples for the study were taken from the entire population
(sampling saturated), all second grade students who are dressmaking
industry practices in the world industry. The data of this study
consisted of primary data collected directly from respondents with
instruments such as questionnaires (measuring readiness Affective
and Psychomotor) in the form of questions and tests (cognitive
readiness). From the research shows that the readiness of knowledge
(cognitive) are at high category (79.9%), readiness attitudes
(affective) that are in the category of very high (88.8%), and
readiness skills (psychomotor) are at high category (79 , 3%). Based
on the descriptive analysis and the results of data classification,
grade II readiness fashion SMK 3 full river in implementing the
industrial world pratek industries classified as very high (85.5%)
Kata kunci: Kesiapan Pengetahuan (Kognitif), Sikap (Afektif) dan
Keterampilan (Psikmotor)
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