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This research aims : 1.To describes State of nutrition. 2. To know
morbidity of ISPA and 3. To analyze the relationship of nutrition state and ISPA
morbidity of children at Tanjung Tanah district of Kerinci. Kind of this research
is descriftive quantitative with correlational approach. The population of this
research are the children at Tanjung Tanah district 1-5 years old about 41
children with 41 samples. The technique of data collection was done by using
direct measurement of body weigh and heigh. And the technique of ISPA mobility
collection was done by using questioner and interviews. Base on the result of the
analysis of this research there were found three result: there were many children
of Tanjung Tanah Kecamatan Danau Kerinci Kabupaten Kerinci district faced
poor nutrition state. The average of ISPA morbidity happened during 27.59 days
within six last months. Thirdly the relationship of children nutrition state with
Tanjung Tanah village with negative correlative of ISPA mobility collection (r
=0.619) with significant and strong relationship. Base on the result its concluded
that if someone possesses good nutrition state therefore the conditions of ispa
morbidity decrease and vice versa.
morbidity of ISPA and 3. To analyze the relationship of nutrition state and ISPA
morbidity of children at Tanjung Tanah district of Kerinci. Kind of this research
is descriftive quantitative with correlational approach. The population of this
research are the children at Tanjung Tanah district 1-5 years old about 41
children with 41 samples. The technique of data collection was done by using
direct measurement of body weigh and heigh. And the technique of ISPA mobility
collection was done by using questioner and interviews. Base on the result of the
analysis of this research there were found three result: there were many children
of Tanjung Tanah Kecamatan Danau Kerinci Kabupaten Kerinci district faced
poor nutrition state. The average of ISPA morbidity happened during 27.59 days
within six last months. Thirdly the relationship of children nutrition state with
Tanjung Tanah village with negative correlative of ISPA mobility collection (r
=0.619) with significant and strong relationship. Base on the result its concluded
that if someone possesses good nutrition state therefore the conditions of ispa
morbidity decrease and vice versa.
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