Kualitas dan Daya Terima Nagasari Padat Gizi sebagai Makanan Anak Balita

Sary Amanah(1), Baidar Baidar(2), Asmar Yulastri(3),

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This research aimed to analyze the quality and to know capacity of
acceptance nutrient dense nagasari as a food toddlers. The research was the
development of research. The object of research was a nutrient dense nagasari as
a toddlers. The procedure to begins with a quality test using organoleptic test.
Test of Organoleptic conducted by involving six professional panelists people is
experts in area of culinary, nutrition and food, and then do the test of capacity
acceptance to 24 toddlers in kindergarten Dharmawanita UNP. Result of quality
test nagasari which developed is said valid by professional panelists people on the
fourth trial because the results of assessment professional panelists people in
each indicator have very good that is, 5.00. Furthermore, the result of capacity
acceptance test showed that nagasari which developed is received by toddlers.
Key word: Qualitty, capacity acceptance, nagasari, nutrient dense

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