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The research objective was to describe the decorative embroidery on Suji
Scarves Kotogadang Liquid in terms of design and decorative patterns, and
manufacturing techniques. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The
informants are leaders Crafts Amai Setia Foundation, community leaders or
bundo kanduang and craftsmen who were 8 people. The technique of collecting
data through interviews, observation and documentation using an interview guide
and observation guides. Data analysis technique is data reduction data
presentation and conclusion. The results stated shape design is naturalistic
decoration with floral and leaf. Motifs arranged in a shawl with a size of 2m long
and 50cm wide with symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangement. Keharmonis
seen from the arrangement and color selection motif. Decorative pattern is a pattern encountered many fill the field. Embroidered making techniques suji cair
embroider Kotogadang are: (a) The instrument used was pemedangan, wax paper,
carbon paper, needles, and scissors. (b) The material used is a tissue fabric, silk,
embroidery threads superior, and thread macau. (c) The process of making the
manufacturing phase begins decorative pattern design, installation pemedangan
then proceed with the stitching process by using a variety of skewers.
Scarves Kotogadang Liquid in terms of design and decorative patterns, and
manufacturing techniques. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The
informants are leaders Crafts Amai Setia Foundation, community leaders or
bundo kanduang and craftsmen who were 8 people. The technique of collecting
data through interviews, observation and documentation using an interview guide
and observation guides. Data analysis technique is data reduction data
presentation and conclusion. The results stated shape design is naturalistic
decoration with floral and leaf. Motifs arranged in a shawl with a size of 2m long
and 50cm wide with symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangement. Keharmonis
seen from the arrangement and color selection motif. Decorative pattern is a pattern encountered many fill the field. Embroidered making techniques suji cair
embroider Kotogadang are: (a) The instrument used was pemedangan, wax paper,
carbon paper, needles, and scissors. (b) The material used is a tissue fabric, silk,
embroidery threads superior, and thread macau. (c) The process of making the
manufacturing phase begins decorative pattern design, installation pemedangan
then proceed with the stitching process by using a variety of skewers.
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