Pengaruh Substitusi Ekstrak Bit Terhadap Kualitas Donat
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This research aims to analyze the differences in the form of extract substitutioninfluence bit by looking at the quality of the external volume, color, overall shape,spherical shape, and quality of internal pores of color, texture smooth and soft,delicate aroma of yeast and beets, sweet flavor and beet, then look at the qualityof hedonic. The study was a randomized complete design an experiment usingthree times the replication with the number of panelis 30. Free variables is to seeinfluence of the substitution variable bit, and extract bound to see the quality ofeach charge indicators will. Based on the analysis of the results showed that thequality of category volume expands, the color of the skin and pores of the reddishpink categories, overall shape and central holes a round symmertrical,categorized texture is smooth and creamy, flavorful yeast aroma category and notflavorful beets, sense of categorized sweetnes and does not feel beet. Based ondate from all research significant, Ha which means it is accepted then there is adifference in the quality of such research.Keywords: influence, extract beets, quality doughnuts
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