Peni Purwita(1), Silfeni Silfeni(2), Kasmita Kasmita(3),

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This research aim to know how to management of tourism Muaro Binguang Beach
which consist of 4 indicator: ( a) planning, ( b) organizing, ( c) actuating, and ( d) controlling.
This research is descriptive of qualitative. Question of this research is how management of
tourism Muaro Binguang Beach. Data collection technique is done by using the methode of
interviews, observation, and the documentation that involves the manager of the object of tourism
as well as the community surounding tourist object and tourists. A qualitative data analisys
technique that includes three activity lines are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
Based on the result of research found some matters relating to the management of tourism Muaro
Binguang Beach : 1. planning, 2. organizing, 3. actuating, and 4. Controlling in Muaro Binguang
Beach. Planning related to the goal to be achieved in the long term as an integreted marine
tourism area the provides comfort and security during the tour. For the sort term as a tourism
that increase viewed from four aspects are Amanites, Accesibilities, Ancillary, and Attaraction.
Key word : Management, Tourism, Beach

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