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This research started from the results of pre-research observations of
employees of New d'Dhave Hotel Padang who complained about their leaders. This
study aims to analyze the Effect of Manager Leadership on Job Satisfaction
Employees at New d'Dhave Hotel Padang. The type of this research is descriptive
quantitative with causal assosiative method. The number of samples in this study
amounted to 30 people taken using the technique of saturated sampling. Data
collection technique is done by questionnaire by using Likert scale that has been
tested the validity and reliability. Based on the research that has been done then
obtained the results of simple linear regression hypothesis test obtained a constant
value (a) of 71,831, this figure has meaning if there is no managerial leadership (X)
then the value of consistent job satisfaction (Y) is 71.831. Then obtained the value of
regression coefficient (b) of -0.420, this figure means that every increase of 1 unit of
managerial leadership (X), then job satisfaction (Y) will decrease by -0.420. then
obtained R square equal to 0,137, namely an effect of 13,7%.
employees of New d'Dhave Hotel Padang who complained about their leaders. This
study aims to analyze the Effect of Manager Leadership on Job Satisfaction
Employees at New d'Dhave Hotel Padang. The type of this research is descriptive
quantitative with causal assosiative method. The number of samples in this study
amounted to 30 people taken using the technique of saturated sampling. Data
collection technique is done by questionnaire by using Likert scale that has been
tested the validity and reliability. Based on the research that has been done then
obtained the results of simple linear regression hypothesis test obtained a constant
value (a) of 71,831, this figure has meaning if there is no managerial leadership (X)
then the value of consistent job satisfaction (Y) is 71.831. Then obtained the value of
regression coefficient (b) of -0.420, this figure means that every increase of 1 unit of
managerial leadership (X), then job satisfaction (Y) will decrease by -0.420. then
obtained R square equal to 0,137, namely an effect of 13,7%.
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