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This study aimed to describe the interest of students, the intrinsic factor
(aptitude and motivation), extrinsic factors (the role of parents and peers),
determine the influence of factors of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in choosing the
Study Program of Family Welfare (Prodi PKK) Department of IKK FPP UNP.
The research type is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this
research is students of PKK Study Program of FPP UNP Class of 2012-2016
registered in semester of January-June 2017 as many as 211 people. Sampling
technique using Stratified Random Sampling technique with a sample of 68
people. Data collection with questionnaires using Likert scale and analyzed by
regression. The results showed the interest of students in the high category
(79.65%), the intrinsic factor (aptitude and motivation) high category (80.56%)
where talent is very high category (85.18%) and motivation high category
(74.22%). Extrinsic factors (the role of parents and peers) very high category
(81.32%), where the indicator role of parents is very high category (88.26%) and
peer high category (74.38). Based on the F test the intrinsic factors (talent and
motivation) and extrinsic factors (the role of parents and peers) give effect of
33.1%. Persisally (t test) intrinsic factor (talent and motivation) influenced student
interest 27,7% with 25% talent and motivation 9.4%. Extrinsic factors (the role of
parents and peers) affect student interest 19.5% with details of the role of parents
13.9% and peers 11.8%. So the biggest factor influencing the student's interest in
choosing the PKK Study Program of IKK FPP UNP is the intrinsic factor of talent
and motivation.
Keywords: Talent, motivation, parent's role, peers, Interests
(aptitude and motivation), extrinsic factors (the role of parents and peers),
determine the influence of factors of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in choosing the
Study Program of Family Welfare (Prodi PKK) Department of IKK FPP UNP.
The research type is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this
research is students of PKK Study Program of FPP UNP Class of 2012-2016
registered in semester of January-June 2017 as many as 211 people. Sampling
technique using Stratified Random Sampling technique with a sample of 68
people. Data collection with questionnaires using Likert scale and analyzed by
regression. The results showed the interest of students in the high category
(79.65%), the intrinsic factor (aptitude and motivation) high category (80.56%)
where talent is very high category (85.18%) and motivation high category
(74.22%). Extrinsic factors (the role of parents and peers) very high category
(81.32%), where the indicator role of parents is very high category (88.26%) and
peer high category (74.38). Based on the F test the intrinsic factors (talent and
motivation) and extrinsic factors (the role of parents and peers) give effect of
33.1%. Persisally (t test) intrinsic factor (talent and motivation) influenced student
interest 27,7% with 25% talent and motivation 9.4%. Extrinsic factors (the role of
parents and peers) affect student interest 19.5% with details of the role of parents
13.9% and peers 11.8%. So the biggest factor influencing the student's interest in
choosing the PKK Study Program of IKK FPP UNP is the intrinsic factor of talent
and motivation.
Keywords: Talent, motivation, parent's role, peers, Interests
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