Metafora Konseptual terkait Penyakit dalam Bahasa Karo

Gunawan Sembiring, Mulyadi Mulyadi, Nurlela Nurlela


This research examines conceptual metaphors related to diseases in the Karo language, aiming to identify and describe their usage. The study utilizes expressions of disease from Karo speakers, identifying eight key metaphors that reveal cultural insights. Employing a descriptive qualitative methodology with a cognitive semantic approach, the research is grounded in the conceptual metaphor theory by Lakoff and Johnson. The study categorizes these metaphors into three types: structural metaphors, which depict disease as an enemy and a struggle using force imagery; orientational metaphors, describing anger and achievement through spatial dynamics; and ontological metaphors, illustrating explosion, expansion, growth, effort, disappointment, and travel with existence and identity imagery. These findings illuminate the integral role of metaphor in expressing cultural perceptions of disease, contributing to a deeper understanding of Karo linguistics and its cognitive frameworks.


semantik kognitif; metafora konseptual; penyakit


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