Euphemism Used by Pro and Cons Speakers in Trans 7 Show "Mata Najwa"

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang 

(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

Copyright (c) 2020 Novela Zulia Ningsih
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This research analyzed the euphemism used by pro and cons speakers in Trans 7 Show Mata Najwa by using Warren, forms of euphemism and Leech, types of meaning theories. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research method. The data in this research was the video’s script of Mata Najwa that downloaded from 7 episodes in YouTube. After analyzing the seven episodes, forms of euphemism by pro speakers found are 1 slang, 1 loan word, 1 particularization, and 3 implication while by cons speakers are 1 derivation, 2 slang, 2 abbreviations, 4 loan words, 5 particularizations, 1 implication, and 2 metaphor. On the other hand, types of meaning by pro speakers found are 1 conceptual meaning, 3 connotative meaning and 1 affective meaning. While by cons speakers are 7 conceptual meaning, 7 connotative meaning, 1 social meaning, 2 affective meaning, and 1 reflected meaning. The result of the study reveals that the dominant form by pro speaker is implication and the most dominant form by cons speaker is particularization. While connotative meaning was the dominant type by pro and conceptual and connotative meaning was the most dominant type by cons speakers of usage types of meaning in Mata Najwa. The differences of using euphemism by pro and cons speakers is that cons speakers use more euphemism in their conversations in order to avoid using the rude or offensive word, also to avoid the loss of face of the speaker, the hearer or the people which is being talked.
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