Aswarina Nasution - Universitas Negeri Medan
Ashar Hasairin - Universitas Negeri Medan
Widya Arwita - Universitas Negeri Medan


Mind Map The sophistication of information technology and internet network in the fourth industrial revolutionera can be utilized to supportthe learning process. Electronic learning (E-learning) is an innovative learning method that is appropriate in answering the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution era. E-learning is a way to enrich education by integrating technology into traditional classrooms. E-learning allows lecturers to share syllabus and learning material to students, provide assignments that must be done by students and assess students in real-time. This study aims to analyze the response of Biology students to the use of e-learning in ethnobotany courses. The study was conducted from June to October 2019. The subjects of this study were students of Biology Study Program, Class A and Class B year 2016. The research method used was descriptive method using survey methods. The instrument used was a student response questionnaire. The results of the assessment of student responses obtained a value in the learning aspect of 85.10% with a very good category, a material aspect of 89.71% with a very positive category, a programming aspect of 82.46% with a very positive category, and multimedia aspect of 88.17% with a very positive category.


Electronic Learning; Ethnobotany; Information Technology; Internet Network; Student Responses

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