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Author Guidelines


Title should interpretate the article about. Written in English.


Author full name without resignation.


No more than 250 words. Written in English.


  1. Introduction
  2. Research Method
  3. Result and Discussion
  4. Conclusion
  5. Reference

Introduction; contains research background, reviews of previous research, research gaps, and objectives.

Research Method; contains information about the type of research, data collection techniques, data collection instruments, and data analysis techniques. Other things that need to be informed to the reader about the method can be written in this section.

Result and Discussion; contains research data, discussion and comparison.

Conclusion; contains generalized sentences to state that the research objectives have been achieved, or have not yet been achieved, or have not been achieved.

Reference; contains a list of sources of information referred to by the author to support the article.


A4 (210mm x 297mm) consistenly.


Times New Roman font, 10pt for Abstract and 11pt for body.


The table does not use vertical lines. 


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