Atrium Pendidikan Biologi [E-ISSN 2656-1700] is a peer reviewed and scientific journal for researchers in the field of biology education, that publishes four times a year. Submissions are selected and processed by the editorial board. The published articles are manuscripts that have passed the selection process, and it has not been published in other journals.

Atrium Pendidikan Biologi publishes articles on:

  1. Biology curriculum: consists of empirical research studies on the biology curriculum implemented in secondary schools, to advanced level of classroom. We are very happy to receive articles that discuss things that have been commonly used and are being socialized.
  2. Implementation of biology learning: consists of theoretical and empirical research studies on biology teacher-teaching methods, student learning styles in biology instructional, biology learning disciplines, learning innovations in biology instructional, and problems that occur in biology class. Also in the aspect of school facilities to support biology instructional.
  3. Learning evaluation in in biology: consists of theoretical and empirical research studies on the achievement of biology learning objectives, biology student assessments, reporting of evaluation results and developing assessment instruments in biology instructional.

We also receive research articles from various countries in the world.

Atrium Pendidikan Biologi is published online by Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) in collaboration with Association of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institution for Education of Teaching Staff Indonesia (Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia - AMLI).


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