Husni Husni -


Abstract--One of the government programs on the concept of technical guidelines on the issue of inspection of fire safety in buildings, that is the ability of the equipment to detect and extinguish fires, smoke control, fire and rescue facilities. Technically, the buildings are also vulnerable to fires or not such as a short circuit. For security it can be done with a equipment that can detect smoke or fire control performance supported by the microcontroller. So that the performance of these tools can help add comfort for the building owner.Smoke detector and fire extinguisher use Atmega 16 using 2 different sensors, the sensor UV-tron R2868 as fire detection and TGS 2600 as a smoke detector. It is a breakthrough that is made as consideration for the idea of ​​adding comfort to the homeowner or building at each fire occurrence. This appliance is equipped with a buzzer and LCD that serves to provide warning if a fire or smoke is detected. Dc motor  is used to pump water in the room that the fire was detected.This has created a equipment that is working properly, but the error that occurred in a long time with a given detection datasheet is not the same as that has been tested directly where the average 4.5% of the time the error is supposed to be, this is caused because the determination the time is still the conventional way, but it is approaching the value of the respective values.


Keywords :Mikrokontroler, TGS 2600, UV-tron R2868

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