This research begins from many people who have less attention to the
electroda of diametry even the electric current in welding process. To see the best
possibility, in this case the researcher did the research in form experimental
research. The result of this research would get by direct treatment toward the
specimen. The object of this research is the trying spesimen which has thirty of
result welding and grouped as well a the variation of the electric current become
six group. The thickness of the plat are 6 mm and gap 2 mm, using grove I. The
result of the research is when the electric current is bigger so the penetration will
be more deeply. The best quality of penetration of the thickness plat 6 mm and gep
2 mm, using grove I are the electroda 3,2 mm and the electric current 100 Ampre
of plat 37 and the position of welding is under hand.
Key words: electric current, electode, penetration
electroda of diametry even the electric current in welding process. To see the best
possibility, in this case the researcher did the research in form experimental
research. The result of this research would get by direct treatment toward the
specimen. The object of this research is the trying spesimen which has thirty of
result welding and grouped as well a the variation of the electric current become
six group. The thickness of the plat are 6 mm and gap 2 mm, using grove I. The
result of the research is when the electric current is bigger so the penetration will
be more deeply. The best quality of penetration of the thickness plat 6 mm and gep
2 mm, using grove I are the electroda 3,2 mm and the electric current 100 Ampre
of plat 37 and the position of welding is under hand.
Key words: electric current, electode, penetration