The background of this research the problems associated with low
learning outcomes of students in SMK Dhuafa Nusantara Padang. This type of
research is descriptive correlation. The population in this study were all students
of class X who are 45 students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
SMK Dhuafa Nusantara Padang. Samples were taken using a random sampling
technique that porpasif with the results of the sample 41 students. Based on the
results of the study found that: there is a relationship between interest in reading
books with learning outcomes Knowledge Base Mechanical Engineering at SMK
Dhuafa Nusantara Padang. This can be seen in the correlation coefficient of
rhitung = 0.440> = 0.308 rtabel. Because the count r> of r table, then the
presence of a significant relationship, and can be received on the level of 95%.
Major contribution is 19.4%, while 80.6% is determined by other factors. It
means that interest in reading the book can provide a meaningful relationship in
improving student learning outcomes. The better the students' interest in reading
the book, the better the learning outcomes of students.
Keywords: Relationships, Interests reading books, learning outcomes
learning outcomes of students in SMK Dhuafa Nusantara Padang. This type of
research is descriptive correlation. The population in this study were all students
of class X who are 45 students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
SMK Dhuafa Nusantara Padang. Samples were taken using a random sampling
technique that porpasif with the results of the sample 41 students. Based on the
results of the study found that: there is a relationship between interest in reading
books with learning outcomes Knowledge Base Mechanical Engineering at SMK
Dhuafa Nusantara Padang. This can be seen in the correlation coefficient of
rhitung = 0.440> = 0.308 rtabel. Because the count r> of r table, then the
presence of a significant relationship, and can be received on the level of 95%.
Major contribution is 19.4%, while 80.6% is determined by other factors. It
means that interest in reading the book can provide a meaningful relationship in
improving student learning outcomes. The better the students' interest in reading
the book, the better the learning outcomes of students.
Keywords: Relationships, Interests reading books, learning outcomes