Deny Yono -


Bagasse is one of the natural fiber composites can be used because it is
available in large quantities and not fully utilized. The purpose of research
is to describe the process of making bagasse fiber Composite with manual
method and analyze the tensile strength of fiber-reinforced composites
bagasse treated with alkali (NaOH) of 5%, 10% and 15%. For each
variation of soaking time for 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours. The fiber used is
shorter fiber length of 5mm-15mm with a random arrangement. The matrix
used is unsaturated poly esterres in BQTN157. Tensile test specimens made
reference to ASTMD-638. Composites are made by hand using the printing
press with a 60:40 ratio of resin and fibers. Tensile testing machine tensile
testing conducted by Monsanto Tenso meter Education Kit. Fiber-reinforced
composites bagasse optimum value of tensile stress occur sonalkali
treatment (NaOH) 5% for 2 hours at 4.24MPa or an increase of 43.63%
from the condition with out alkali treatment is 9.91MPa, the value of the
smallest tensile stress occurs in alkali (NaOH) treatment 15% for 6 hours
which is a 5.64MPaorde creased 43.08% from the condition with out
treatment. Treatment of alkali (NaOH) can increase the absorption of the
fiber matrix that will enhance the tie between the fibers with the matrix,
which in turn increases the tensile strength composites. Alkali treatment
(NaOH) of time can cause damage to the element so that the cellulose fibers
become brittle and easily broken.
Kata kunci: komposit polimer, perlakuan, alkali (NaOH), serat pendek,
kekuatan tarik.

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