The problem in this study is the low student learning outcomes achieved
in the course of production machining technology, in which 8 people get
a Mechanical Engineering student learning outcomes at 25.806%, below
the class average interval is 26.45%, while the rest is 23 students by
percentage 74.194% scored above average. Subjects were students of
mechanical engineering class of 2008 January-June semester 2010/2011
until the first half of July-December 2010/2011 numbered 31 students.
Data collection techniques using a questionnaire distributed to
correspondents by using Likert scale that has been tested validity and
The hypothesis in this study there was a significant positive
contribution aspects of health and safety knowledge on engineering
student learning outcomes at the course of production machining
technology phase of 95%. The results of this study indicate that there is a
contribution aspects of health and safety knowledge on engineering
student learning outcomes at the course of the production technology
machining of 0.98 or 9.8% that can be explained by this study, and the
remaining 90.2% is explained by the other factors as well as the
magnitude of the estimated standard error of 0.962. This means that
aspects of health and safety knowledge accounted for 9.8% (R2) of the
learning outcomes expected of students and 90.2% of the other factors.
Kata kunci: Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja, Hasil Belajar
in the course of production machining technology, in which 8 people get
a Mechanical Engineering student learning outcomes at 25.806%, below
the class average interval is 26.45%, while the rest is 23 students by
percentage 74.194% scored above average. Subjects were students of
mechanical engineering class of 2008 January-June semester 2010/2011
until the first half of July-December 2010/2011 numbered 31 students.
Data collection techniques using a questionnaire distributed to
correspondents by using Likert scale that has been tested validity and
The hypothesis in this study there was a significant positive
contribution aspects of health and safety knowledge on engineering
student learning outcomes at the course of production machining
technology phase of 95%. The results of this study indicate that there is a
contribution aspects of health and safety knowledge on engineering
student learning outcomes at the course of the production technology
machining of 0.98 or 9.8% that can be explained by this study, and the
remaining 90.2% is explained by the other factors as well as the
magnitude of the estimated standard error of 0.962. This means that
aspects of health and safety knowledge accounted for 9.8% (R2) of the
learning outcomes expected of students and 90.2% of the other factors.
Kata kunci: Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja, Hasil Belajar