Roni Afrizal -
Raudi Syukur -
Andrizal Andrizal -


This research aim to to know there is or do not it him  emotional intellegence relation of Vocational High School student with achievement learn student. Covering ability of student to recognize, to managing, and expressing feeling correctly, including for self-motivation alone, recognizing others emotion, and also construct [relation/link] with others. Sampel in this research is taken away from by  population that is entire/all class student of X technique majors of otomotif counted 52 one who is determined by using formula of Taro Yamane. emotional Data Intellegence obtained from enquette in the form of scale of likert counted 41 item, while achievement data learn student obtained from anomalous semester notification average value of  school year 2011 / 2012. Type analyse data which is used in this research use Correlation formula of Pearson Product Moment ( PPM). Data result of research obtained by  correlation coefficient of r [count/calculate] > r of[is tables of ( 0,6204 > 0,279) and for test to mean correlation got by t calculate > t of[is tables of ( 5,59414 > 1,684) at] level of signifikan 5%. Thereby can be concluded that there are relation which are positive and signifikan among emotional intellegence with achievement learn class student of X technique majors of automotive in SMK Country of Bukittinggi.


Kata Kunci : Kecerdasan Emosional, Prestasi Belajar, Hubungan

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