Peningkatan Proses Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Tema 1 dengan Model Problem Based Learning Kelas IV
This study aims to describe the improvement of integrated thematic learning process theme 1 with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. The approach used is a qualitative and quantitative approach. The type of research is classroom action research (CAR). The techniques used are observation, tests and non-tests. The results of the research in terms of planning showed an increase from the first cycle, that is, the implementation of the steps contained in the RPP has not been implemented in the implementation of increased learning in the second cycle, each of the steps in the lesson plan can be implemented. In the learning process, it can be seen that there is an increase in teacher activity from the first cycle whose average achievement is 85.71% with a good category (B) increasing to 96,75% with a very good category (SB) in cycle II. Also seen an increase in the activity of students from the first cycle whose average achievement was 85.71% with a good category (B) increased to 96,75% with a very good category (SB) in the second cycle.
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