Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPS Dengan Model Example Non Example
The research is aimed to describe the plan , the implementation and the student’s learning outcomes in learning the social science subject by using the Example no example model at 5th grade of SDN 19 Koto Tangah Padang. The classroom-action research was conducted in the research by using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The subjects of the research were the teacher and 22 students of the school. The result of the research shows that; a) the lesson plan increased from 75% in cycle I to 93% in cycle II ; b) in term of teacher’s teaching aspect increased from 77% in cycle I to 95 % in cycle II; meanwhile,in the student’s learning aspect inscreased from 75% in cycle I to 93% In cycle II; c) the student’s learning outcomes inscreased from 74,4 in cycle I to 84.1 incycle II. Thus,the use of I Example nn Example Model improves the student’s learning outcomes in learning the Social Science Subjects at 5th grade of SDN 19 Koto Tangah Padang.
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