Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Dengan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Numbered Head Together Di Sekolah Dasar

Zuardi Zuardi - Pembimbing 1 Universitas Negeri Padang


The research is motivated by student learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning in class IV SDN 05 Birugo is still low. The aim of the study was to improve student learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning with the Cooperative Learning Model Numbered Head Together in Class IV SDN 05 Birugo. The results of the study show that planning, implementation and learning outcomes have increased. The RPP assessment of the first cycle was 77.78% and in the second cycle it increased to 94.4%. The evaluation of the implementation of teacher activities in the first cycle was 79.16% and increased in the cycle of 95.83%. For the activities of students in the first cycle 79.16% increased in the cycle of 95.83%. %. Assessment of student learning outcomes in the first cycle was 66.42 and increased in the second cycle 84.83. In conclusion, Cooperative Learning Type Numbered Head Together can improve student learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning learning in class IV SDN 05 Birugo.


Cooperatif Learning type NHT, Integrated Thematic


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