Daranis Daranis -


The research is research do it in the background by the class is student problem in IPS. This research uses a qualitative approach. Learning process and are provid conclution. The research uses the data is analized to technique of qualitative data. The result shows that applying to brainstorming technique in social lesson can to increase of the result in student learning. Marking from learning lesson in the eycle of firs meeting is 89%. The second cycle become increases 96%. Second cycle of the firs meeting Becomes 100% increases again. The result abservation of teacher activity in the firs cyele of the first meeting is 79% and 83% increase of Join us in the first cycle of the second meeting. The second of the first meeting cycle become increases 87% and in the second of the second meeting cycle become increases 96%. The level of complete study in the result in the first cycle of the first meeting is 59.8%. The first cycle of the second meeting become increases 76.52% and the second cycle of the second meeting become increases 81.21%.


Kata Kunci: Peningkatan Hasil Belajar, Pembelajaran IPS, Teknik Brainstorming


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