Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran PKn Dengan Model Group Investigation Kelas V SD
The purpose of this research is increase the result of students learning by using investigation group teaching (gi) for grade 5th at elementery school or SDN 07 Ulak Karang. The subject of this research is students grade 5th and a teacher, for this occasion, the researcher as a teacher and the total number of this research students. The result of this research point out uprading such as: (a) RPP in 1st cycle, te result score average is 80,35% (SB) and 2nd cycle become 100% (SB). (b) Assesment of students aspect in 1st cycle is 66,07% (C), as the result score average and 2nd cycle become 92,8% (SB). (c) The result of students score in 1st cycle is 77,80%(B), as a score average and 2nd cycle become 86,00% (SB). It indicates that the result of students score in category PKn is improved by using investigation group model.
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