Science learning the material damage to the environment in grade 4 09 Pasaman elementary school. The teacher dis able to select and use appropriate method in science teaching. The teacher is not develop the students knowledge in solving the problem that exist, in daily life. The author interested to improve the learning process in science learning, especially material environment harm with using this problem solving method. The aim of this research is how to describe the design implementation and learning out comes with using this method. This research problem with using this method is an action research approach to qualitative and kwantitatif. This research held the 2nd half teaching 2011/2012 in 09 Pasaman elementary school between the months of January-June 2011/2012. The subject data of grade 4 were obtained from the observer, observation sheets and test results. Research result with using this problem solving method in science learning to obtain observation result for RPP cycle I that is 75% increase to 89.28% for cycle II. Observation result for teacher aspect cyle I that is 72.9% increase to 89.6% for cycle II. Whereas students aspect cycle I that is 72.9% increase to 89.6% for cycle II Students aspect to learn cycle I to get average 69.95 increase to 83 for cycle II. Which can conclusion from this research that is problem solving method can to increase result science learn.
Kata kunci : hasil belajar siswa;pembelajaran IPA; problem solving
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