Algoritma Genetika Untuk Menentukan Jalur Terpendek Wisata Kota Bukittinggi

Indra Saputra - Matematika, Universitas Negeri Padang
Defri Ahmad - Matematika, Universitas Negeri Padang


Abstract — Bukittinggi is a city with many tourist destination, thats close each other. Because of many tourist destination in Bukittinggi makes difficult for the tourist to visit all the places there at the limited time. To solve this problem, we did time and distance data processing between the tourist site around Bukittinggi using a genetic algorithm to find the shortest way for the tourists to reach the destination and be able to visit every place there. The steps for the genetic algorithm are; obtaining data from various sources, completing the Travelling Salesman Problem, calculating the time and distance between each tourist destination, creating the design system from input to output used, analyzing and evaluating the result that has been made by the system to make the most effective route to visit Bukittinggi.


Keywords — Tour, Time, Distance, Travelling Salesman Problem, Genetic Algorithm

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