Analisis Kestabilan Model Matematika Dinamika Penyebaran Rumor melalui Media Sosial dan Verbal

Helena Fauziah -
Rara Winanda -


Rumor, unverified information, propagate swiftly through word of mouth and social media. This research will discuss a mathematical model of the dynamics of rumor spreading through social media and verbal with four compartments, namely I, M, G and R. This is referred to a basic research (theoretical) using descriptive method. The results of this research indicate that the rumor-free equilibrium point is asymptotically stable if it satisfies the conditions, meaning that no rumor spreads in the population; the rumor-endemic equilibrium point through verbal is asymptotically stable if it satisfies the conditions, meaning that rumors spread but only through verbal in the population; and the rumor-endemic equilibrium point through media is asymptotically stable if it satisfies the conditions, meaning that rumors spread but only through media in the population.

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