Optimasi Pendistribusian Air PDAM Payakumbuh dengan VAM dan Pengujian Optimalitasnya Menggunakan Metode MODI

Annisya Annisya - Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNP
Hendra Syarifuddin - Jurusan Matematika Universitas Negeri Padang
Riry Sriningsih - Jurusan Matematika Universitas Negeri Padang


Abstract – Optimization model is one of the analysis models which identictooperations research. Transportation model relatesto the determination of the least cost plan to send an item from a number of source to a number of destination areas, like VAM. VAM principle ischooseleastof the least cost of eachrowandcolumnand thencalculate the differencebetweenit. Thedifferenceis called Vogel number. VAMmethodswillprovidesan initial solution to findthe nearest  optimalsolution. Thereforeitis necessary to do a testthe optimalityoftheinitial solutionusingMODI. MODI method is to resolve the  case of the transportation that was developed from the stepping stone method. The purpose of this  research is determining the optimal water distribution with minimum distribution cost. The result ofthis indicate that the operating costs is Rp. 6,344,697.13 before it was done minimization and the operational costsis Rp. 5,284,908.08 after it was done minimization by VAM.


Keywordsvogel approximation, modified distribution, optimization, water distribution.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24036/unpjomath.v6i1.11544