How to cite (IEEE):
Z. Netrisa, -. Syafriani, R. Triyono, & H. Arifin
"Pemetaan bahaya gempabumi deterministik dengan pendekatan Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) di Kota Padang (Mapping of deterministic earthquake hazards using the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) approach in the city of Padang )," PILLAR OF PHYSICS, vol. 11, no. 2, , Dec. 2018.
How to cite (APA):
Netrisa, Z., Syafriani, -., Triyono, R., & Arifin, H.
Pemetaan bahaya gempabumi deterministik dengan pendekatan Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) di Kota Padang (Mapping of deterministic earthquake hazards using the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) approach in the city of Padang ).
How to cite (Chicago):
Netrisa, Zaimi, Syafriani, -, Triyono, Rahmat, AND Arifin, Hamdi.
"Pemetaan bahaya gempabumi deterministik dengan pendekatan Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) di Kota Padang (Mapping of deterministic earthquake hazards using the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) approach in the city of Padang )" PILLAR OF PHYSICS [Online], Volume 11 Number 2 (6 December 2018)
How to cite (Vancouver):
Netrisa Z, Syafriani -, Triyono R, & Arifin H .
Pemetaan bahaya gempabumi deterministik dengan pendekatan Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) di Kota Padang (Mapping of deterministic earthquake hazards using the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) approach in the city of Padang ).
PILLAR OF PHYSICS [Online]. 2018 Dec;
How to cite (Harvard):
Netrisa, Z., Syafriani, -., Triyono, R., & Arifin, H.
Pemetaan bahaya gempabumi deterministik dengan pendekatan Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) di Kota Padang (Mapping of deterministic earthquake hazards using the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) approach in the city of Padang ).
PILLAR OF PHYSICS, [Online] 11(2).
How to cite (MLA8):
Netrisa, Zaimi, - Syafriani, Rahmat Triyono, & Hamdi Arifin.
"Pemetaan bahaya gempabumi deterministik dengan pendekatan Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) di Kota Padang (Mapping of deterministic earthquake hazards using the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) approach in the city of Padang )." PILLAR OF PHYSICS [Online], 11.2 (2018): ##plugins.citationFormats.mla.noPages## Web. 13 Mar. 2025
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