Pengaruh Persepsi Kemudahan Penggunaan Terhadap Keberhasilan Implementasi Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Keuangan Daerah (SIKD) dengan Persepsi Kemanfaatan, Sikap Pengguna dan Perilaku Untuk Tetap Menggunakan sebagai Variabel Intervening

Satria Anshar - Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi UNP


This study aims to determine: 1) Effect of Perceived Ease of Use on Perceptions of usefulness. 2) Effect of Perceived Ease of Use of the Attitude of Use. 3) Effect of Attitudes on Using Benefit Perception. 4) Influence Perception of usefulness of the Behavior To Keep Using. 5) Effect of User Attitudes toward Behavior To Keep Using. 6) Influence Behavior to Stay Successful Implementation of Using SIKD Applications.

Type of research is causative. The population in this study is on education in the city of Padang. Sample collection technique is total sampling. The data used in this study of primary data. Data analysis using path analysis.

The results prove that: 1) Perceived Ease of Use significant and positive impact on perceptions of usefulness. 2) Perceived Ease of Use significant and positive influence on attitude of Use. 3) Perception Benefit positive significant effect on attitude of Use. 4) Perception Benefit positive significant effect on Behavior To Keep Using. 5) The use of significantly positive attitude towards Behavior To Keep Using. 6) Behavior To Keep Using positive significant effect on success SIKD Application Implementation.

Based on the results of the study suggested: 1) For local governments, should further enhance Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived usefulness, User Attitudes and Behavior To Keep Using that success SIKD Application Implementation for the better. 2) For further research, could be better if, complemented by interviews or written statements so that they can dig into all the research objectives. 3) To further peneilitan, due to other variables that affect successful implementation SIKD application, then the assessment should then adding other variables that influence.

Keywords: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived usefulness, User Attitude, Behavior To Keep Using, Implementation Of SIKD Application.

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