Pengaruh Faktor Teknis Dan Faktor Organisasi Terhadap Implementasi Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja

Boby Jamil - Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aims find out the influence of  technical factor and organization toward implementation of the performance measurement system. The population is a SKPD in Solok Municipal. The sample was (total sampling) the respondent is 25 SKPD. The questioner is using to collect data. Data is is the primary data. Analizing date using multiple regression with SPSS. The study result (1) Technical factor and organization simultaneously affect implementation of the performance measurement system with the amount of R2 16,4%, (2) Techical factor have not significance effect on implementation of the performance measurement system with tcount < ttabel ( -0,048 < 1,669), (3) organization factor have significance positive effect on implementation of the performance measurement system with tcount < ttable (3,818 > 1,699). Based the result of study,  sugestion for SKPD in Solok Municipal to grow up technical and organization factor for the good result of implementation of the performance measurement sytem.


Keywords: technical factor, organization factor, implementation of the performance measurement sytem.

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